Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my mom, mother-in-law, grandmothers, my girlfriends and my sister-in-laws who are moms, to the women who have been 'mom-like' to me, Ms. Kneale, Janis and Jo.  (no one can ever have too many moms); to the birthmoms who made the choice to give someone else the gift of being a mom when they couldn't.  And to the women who are waiting to become a mom.  Mother's day can be an emotional day for some.  There was a time when this was a dreaded holiday for me, a day I wish didn't exist as I so desparately wanted to be a mother and never thought the day would come.   Now I get to celebrate this day, and even though my boys drive me crazy, make messes and drive me crazy again...I consider myself lucky that I get to be a mom.

Blake and I....Blake is definately the child that challenges me everyday.  He knows exactly how and what to do, to push my buttons no doubt about it...but he does me make laugh and he is the one that is always willing to give a hug or a kiss.
Most of the time, Blake can't take a decent picture so I always tell him to kiss my cheek so he doesn't have to look at the camera.  It's one of our standard pictures usually.
Brett and I...Brett is the child that made motherhood too easy.  He was an easy baby from day one, he's growing up to be an all around good kid.  However he is not the kid that is open for hugs and kisses from his mom or anyone else for that matter.  As you can tell by the pic (Blake took it and obviously had the camera crooked) it won't be long and Brett will be taller than I.

My mother's day was spent with church this morning, Marty grilled chicken for lunch, the boys watched a movie (one they got me for Mom's day) "We bought a Zoo" while I took a nap and then Brett was off to ball practice and Blake and I cleaned out my car.  It was a pretty good day.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy mothers day Steph, you and your sweet blessings! Miss you bunches lady.
